Day to Day Enterprises

PRESS RELEASE : For Immediate Release

Florida Author Celebrates 20 Cancer Free Years with New Book on Healthy Cooking

(Oviedo, FL - August 1999) After winning the battle over cancer at the age of 22, MyLinda Butterworth, who disregarded conventional chemotherapy treatments, set out on her own to find a healthful way to deal with the prognosis.

After two decades of cancer free living, the author sets pen to paper to share her personal story and more than 300 low-fat, low-sugar, high flavor recipes and pages of nutritional information that will open your eyes to a world of food health. With sensitivity and humor MyLinda shares her experience in beating the cancer blues with nutritional healing and a positive mental attitude.

In an article by Newsweek, November 30, 1998, Dr. Mitchell Gaynor, head of medical oncology at New York's Strang Cancer Prevention Center stated, "We've seen the future, and the future is food." That is exactly right and that is what this book is all about. A book based on moderation in all things, not fads.

For Health's Sake, A Cancer Survivor's Cookbook provides eight information packed chapters for beginners on the good, bad and ugly of food, plus a great chapter on substitutions. These chapters are: Veggie Power, Fruity and Fresh, Wheat and other Grains of Knowledge, Bowled over by Beans, Moove Over Dairy, The Truth about Sweeteners, Get off the Fat-Go-Round, Seasonings by Herb and "Oh, No I'm Out of" — A Guide to Substitutions.

For Health's Sake, A Cancer Survivor's Cookbook contains over 200 recipes. Good food that is good for you. MyLinda shows you a practical way to make the foods you eat more nutritious without making them unpalatable. You will find lots of recipes that "taste just like mom used to make," but with less fat or sugar and Soul Snacks to nourish your soul. Most of us want to eat better but are afraid to make major changes in our eating habits. MyLinda gives you a springboard to good eating, provides you with a plethora of facts and information to help you decide what kind of changes you will make (vegetarian, vegan, macrobiotic or just a lover of moderation (MyLinda's favorite)).

For Health's Sake, A Cancer Survivor's Cookbook is a thoughtful, easy-going primer written for every tastebud and lifestyle. It is a significant first step toward physical and emotional well being whether your dealing with cancer or some other life altering disease or you just want to live healthier.


MyLinda Butterworth lives in Oviedo, Florida, just a stones' throw from Mickey World. A native of nowhere and education brat, Mrs. Butterworth earned her degree from Brigham Young University in Theatre Education. She has been seen acting, directing and costuming on theatrical stages in Arizona, California, Florida, Idaho, Tennessee, and Utah. Today she chases her two children and has been known to tromp in the mud and tell stories at her daughter's pre-school. She is outgoing, talented, photogenic and full of energy. This is the author's second book, her first book Just 24 Days Till Christmas, Act 1: Old and New came out last year.

For Health's Sake, A Cancer Survivor's Cookbook retails for $14.95 and is available from Day to Day Enterprises, Baker and Taylor, and Ingram Books. For interviews about cancer cookbook or to get your own copy, call Day to Day Enterprises at (407) 359-9356, fax (407) 359-4323 or check out our website at